The edit – KRiii

As industry standards are quite high, I am using Adobe Premier to get close to the standards and to get a better outlook of the program for future use in work. As far as the King Richard advert goes, we are going for a gloomy, two sided story approach and i thought using Premier Pro would be more suitable for the project.

In previous projects I have used Sony Vegas to edit and in terms of broadness, the editing in the specific program can not be achieved to a professional standard compared to Premier.

Using adjustment layers, I am able to create an old medieval look, to counteract with the story that is being told. As seen in ‘figure 1’, the screenshot shows the start of the post-production process of the advert.

Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 13.47.34.png
Figure 1 – Premier Pro

King Richard iii ident

Last year I created a 3-Dimensional ident as it appealed to the target audience, this year our target audience are American tourists which we decided would be mainly retired travellers/families/people who are interested in history. I made the Ident in Adobe Photoshop and Premier Pro, keeping it minimalistic as I didn’t want to throw the audience off.

Final Ident

<p><a href=”″>King Richard iii ident</a> from <a href=”″>Adam Holmes</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>